Monday, September 22, 2008

Play time with Keller

This past Friday Ella got a little play time with her cousin Keller. While it was great to see the Best family and have some time to hang out, it was due to a funeral, and that's never a good thing. However, Ella made the most of it and showed off for everyone there, clapping, waving, and babbling up a storm. Keller is 11 weeks younger than Ella and is lucky he made it out alive. Our little monkey kept trying to use him as a climbing toy, bless his heart! But he was trooper and put up with all her shenanigans.

I promise, Ella did not push Keller over here! He just can't quite sit up by himself and I couldn't snap the picture quickly enough.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Ohmyheck! Where on earth did you get that little polka dot dress? You MUST bring that to the shoot. I have a put little hat that can go with it. :)