Friday, September 12, 2008

Fall is on the way...

I know, we're two weeks into football season, I should have realized that fall was right around the corner. But for some reason it didn't occur to me till Ella and I headed to the grocery store yesterday. The temp was a bustling 65*. I know, I know, so many of you who are looking at this right now (yes, that's you people from Ohio & Michigan) are laughing at me right now but please remember... I was born and raised here in NC and 65* is downright chilly in my books, get over it. Anyway- I realized I have no clothes for Miss Ella for fall. This could be a problem. Digging through her closet and drawers I came across a precious outfit that her Great Aunt Sue and cousin Jessie sent her when she was born, brown corderoy pants and an adorable collared shirt with matching sweater. So cute and so fabulous that Ella is still wearing 3-6 month clothes! I couldn't resist taking some pics of her in what I like to call her "fall fabulousness."

She is actually standing up by herself here but shaking her rattle with her right hand super hard. By the time I grabbed the camera and was able to snap her picture she was in the process of sitting down. For the record, she was balancing by herself for a good 15 seconds. Lord help me, she'll be walking before I know it.
Just taking a break with her blankie..., which I've started to referring to as her "little one" just like the one I had when I was tiny.

Okay, I'll say it. I've never been a fan of blue jeans on babies. I don't know why, it's just never been my thing. Insert appropriate snob comment here. Fine. Well, since it was chilly again today when we left the house (and Ella's diaper decided to leak yesterday in her courderoy so they were in the washing machine) I pulled out the only other pair of warm pants I could find... jeans. Oh my gosh, SO FREAKING CUTE ON HER! Thank you Stacy and Addie for giving us these at the shower because the whole outfit is precious on her! Again, hooray for my child for fitting into 3-6 months clothes at 9 months. I swear I took 300 pictures of her today in this outfit. Here are a couple of my favorites.

Lastly, sadly I have no pictures from this excursion, thank to Alisha and sweet little Ella James for having us over this morning! Your new house is fantastic and both Ella and I hope to have many more fun play dates with you. Bryan and I cannot wait for our photo session in November! For those of you unaware of Alisha's talent you can see her photos in her blog, linked the left of the screen in the "My Friends Blogs" section. Trust me, she's AMAZING and we feel so fortunate to have her take Ella's pictures this fall. And her daughter (Ella James) is too cute for words. And so tiny! She makes our Ella look ginormous and that's really saying something. So thanks, Alisha and Ella James, for the hospitality. Oh- and the turnovers, so yummy. I had scarfed both of them down before I was at the end of your street! (Rebecca, because I know you're reading this, it was wonderful to see you too but I'm still a little mad I didn't get any of Allie's apple butter- haha!)

1 comment:

Alisha said...

You're so nice. THANK YOU for coming! And for the wine. You're awesome. And I love that little Ella. Trade you Ella's for a day. ;)