Monday, September 22, 2008

Go Buckeyes?

I've been getting a lot of slack for having a million pictures of Ella in WFU gear and none in her OSU stuff... okay, okay, I give up. I tried to get some shots of her in my Ohio State hat last week, it didn't go so well. My baby, who has never complained about having a hat on her head, kept trying to pull it off. And when she wasn't pulling it off she was making an awful face and some weird snorting thing with her nose. I have NO IDEA where she picked that up but we need to put a stop to it because it is not cute. Here are the memories from the attempt to get Ella to cheer for the Buckeyes.


Alisha said...

I don't balme her a bit. I wouldn't want to wear that nasty Buckeye hat!
Go Boilermakers! :)

~Mrs. JMS~ said...

Yeah I get the same comments, Andrew has an OSU onsie that Tim cant wait to have the kid wear....I am sane bc I know he will grow out of it soon.