Friday, September 12, 2008

Play date

Wednesday, Ella and I had the Barksdale girls over for some fun. Poor Baity had KinderMusic and her cousin at her house for the morning and missed her nap so she was a bit sleepy through the whole event but we had fun anyway. Because both Ella and Baity are so into everything it was a bit difficult getting a picture of the two of them together. Oh well, you'll have to settle for a couple of individual ones. I think it's fun to get these two together because they have almost the exact same age difference as me and my BFF (shout out to Lanie!!). Lane is 3 months 14 days older than me, Baity is 3 months 21 days older than Ella. Now that I've typed that out it sounds a bit "stalkery"... I totally don't expect Ella and Baity to be BFF, it's just interesting to me to think about Ella's playdates vs. mine 30 years ago. Yikes, I am 30 years old. Ouch! Okay, back to the subject... here are the beautiful little girls.

Baity enjoying her sippy cup

Ella decided that the sippy cup should be hers... Baity took her favorite teething toy, the Tylenol bottle. Served her right!
You know I have to be honest here, I get way more out of these playdates than Ella. The time with my girlfriends is irreplaceable and I appreciate everyone of them and every second of the time they share with me more than they will ever know.

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