Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ella's latest trick

Yesterday morning I heard Ella talking to herself in her crib around 7:30. This is not unusual, she wakes up pretty happy most of the time and is content to entertain herself for a while so I can muster the energy to get out of bed and make her a bottle. On an average day I just go in and pick her up, no big deal. Yesterday was a bit different. I opened the door and instead of seeing her smiling face laying down in the crib she was jumping up and down holding on to the crib railing laughing her head off. What?! Thank the lord we had lowered the mattress the night before because we knew it was just a matter of time, neither of us had any idea it would so soon though! Of course, I turned to get the camera and as soon as I was out of her sight she went into meldown mode. So I just took the camera in there with me when I got her up from her morning nap. Here is our baby, so proud of her new skills!

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