Friday, March 7, 2008

We have a thumb-sucker...

After weeks of Ella trying to cram her entire fist into her mouth she has finally realized that she can, in fact, unclench her fingers and actually get something to suck on. Yesterday I watched her suck on her fist and fuss for a good five minutes (we're trying to keep her from "depending" on the pacifier) and saw her eyes light up when she managed to suck her thumb away from the other fingers and into her mouth. About 30 seconds later she was fast asleep. Wow! When she started to get squirmy mid-nap that thumb went straight back into position and she was fine. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, seeing as we could take a pacifier away from her at a certain age and we're surely not going to be able to take her thumb away from her without being sent to child services. I'm just glad now I won't have to get up in the middle of the night to stick a pacifier back in her mouth.

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