Sunday, March 16, 2008

Full Circle

Can it really be five years since Bryan and I met? Another ACC Tournament has come and gone so it must be true. It's hard to believe just five years ago we met in the concourse of the Greensboro Coliseum (thanks Daniel and Ron!) between games and this year we took our baby to see all the basketball action! Talk about the growing up!

My family has been fortunate enough to attend the ACC Basketball Tournament for years along with several of our family friends. Most of whom went to WFU with my parents and have children around the ages of myself and my brothers. I'm not sure when it started but, once us kids were old enough it became tradition to go out after the Saturday games. My brother, Cabell, and Kimberly started it when they were in college and, of course, once Daniel and I got old enough we were included in the action. Oh the stories I could tell of these infamous evenings. But, to protect the innocent, I won't. Suffice it to say we had fun, lots of fun. Until the next day... how we managed to sit through the championship games on the following Sundays is still a mystery to me. Lucky for me (and for Bryan) Daniel had an extra ticket back in '03 and the tourney was in Greensboro so Ron and Bryan were included in the action. The night is a blur, as most of those Saturday's are, but I remember it ended with Bryan asking for my number. Fast forward five years and he's sitting downstairs watching golf with our child. Wow.

He and I have continued to attend the tourney, only skipping out last year since it was in Florida and we had already taken time off work to go to the Orange Bowl and BCS Championship game. We were back in action this year, heading to Charlotte with Ella in tow. Sadly the Deacons were out in the first round but it was so amazing to think "this is where it all started, and now we're bringing a baby.... OUR baby." Our ACC Saturday night festivities were put on hold. But I'm counting on Ella and Adeline starting all over again when they're old enough.

Lucky for us Bill and Shawna let us crash with them so Ella also got some QT with her younger cousin, Keller... younger by 11 weeks. You can tell by the picstures neither were too interested in the other. I have a feeling that won't last long, soon enough these two will be nothing but trouble!

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