Monday, May 5, 2008

Beach Weekend

Finally I have some photos from the beach trip with the Brundage girls... This is pretty much how Ella and Logan spent the time at the beach, napping in the shade listening to the sound of the waves. Carrie and I had to laugh at the fact we took all this time getting the little ones into their bathing suits, sunscreen, and cover-ups... then they spent a total of about 5 minutes in the sun the whole time we were there! Oh well. Riley, however loved the sand and the surf and had a great time digging holes and jumping over waves. Sorry the quality of these photos is horrible- that's the problem you run into using a disposable camera.
Here's a cute one of Riley and Ella... Riley was a huge help in entertaining the babies!I have more on anther camera that I haven't taken to be devloped yet, I'll post them as soon as I do.

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