Sunday, November 23, 2008

On the move... with teeth!

Yes, I am aware at how long it has been since I've posted anything about Ella and you have my apologies! I have no idea where this month has gone but it certainly has flown by. I can't believe Thanksgiving is this Thursday and in exactly one week Miss Ella will be one year old. Whoa!

In the world of Ella things have been happening so fast it's scary. She is officially walking. She was getting a lot better at it before we left for Jamaica but since we've gotten back it's taken over her life. No more cruising or crawling for this chick! She's hilarious to watch, basically the definition of a "toddler" as she rocks her weight back and forth from leg to leg. She looks like a teeny tiny weeble wobble. We've been putting soft soled leather shoes on her, like Robeez and Bobux because she uses her toes so much for balance. Sweet Baity Barksdale was nice enough to lend us some precious hot pink Puma tennis shoes and we tried them on the other day, knowing that eventually the ground will be too cold for the soft leather bottom shoes. I have never laughed so hard in my life! Ella totally could not figure it out, she'd pick her feet up so high to take a step. Bryan, Aaron and I were cracking up watching her. Of course, it helped that I just had her in a t-shirt and diaper so we could see those cute chubby legs too. We had to put them on her yesterday for the football game because it was freezing out and it was kind of mean of us. She really can't walk in them very well since she can't feel the ground through the soles, so I'm not sure what we'll do from here now that it's so cold out. And for the game, we lasted one whole quarter. Apparently NC is finished with fall and it's eerily similar to a frozen tundra in my opinion. Way too cold to have a baby out, even in 3 layers of clothing, watching the pigskin.

In other Ella news... her bottom two teeth have FINALLY broken through. I swear this poor child has been teething since she was three mmonths old. Really the only difference I noticed in her during the last week of cutting these two was her waking up cranky occassionally. She's usually perfectly content to entertain herself in her crib for a while, talking to herself and her stuffed sheep, for about 15 minutes before I have to go in and get her. Not so much last week. I'm guessing it's because of the teeth. And she's wanted to be held, a lot. Which is fine, except I've got things to do around the house that aren't as easy when lugging around 18 pounds of cute.

On the health front, Ella got to take a trip to the doctor 2 weeks ago because of a rash on her tummy. How on earth could my sweet, precious little girl have a rash? Blame her daddy. Yes, Bryan was kind enough to pass on his dry skin. Not only does my daughter look exactly like her daddy she also has eczema like him too. Awesome. We have to cut back on her baths, change her soap and lube her up with Eucerine twice a day, supplemented with prescription hydrocortizone cream when it gets bad. Bless her heart! I don't think it's bothering her yet, she's not scratching like it itches or anything, but it looks awfully painful. She does like to help rub in her lotion on her tummy while laughing at me, which is pretty comical. I can definitely tell the cold, dry weather is not helping either. It's not so red since we've been using the prescription cream but she looks like an alligator in some spots. So we'll just have to beat it into her head that lotion is going to take ten minutes out of everyday of her life from here on.

Because I can't post on the blog without any pictures, here are some random ones from the last couple of weeks, including one from our short but sweet visit with Aunt Lytch... (and before any of you who know how cold it was here this weekend jump all over me, niether of the football pictures are from yesterday. Believe me, she had on waaaayyy more articles of clothing to keep warm and toasty for the 45 minutes we stayed)...

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