Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Weekend Fun

Somehow, between parties the last couple of weekends we've still had time for some family stuff too. Most of you know Little Miss Ella is a wiggle worm, always moving. It's a struggle to get her to sit still long enough to drink a bottle. Because of this we've not spent a lot of time reading to her. Lately thought she's started picking up her books and taking them to Bryan to read to her. Why is this? Bryan has never read an entire book in his life! I'm the resident book worm yet Ella would prefer to have her daddy read to her... I guess when she's stuck with me all day she'll do anything to spend some quiet time with him during the evenings. It so sweet to see her sitting there looking at all the pictures while he reads to her. I'm trying to get her to sit with me too, but I'm not holding my breath that will happen anytime soon.

Also Nana and Grandpa were in town working on their house in Sophia so Ella got lots of time outside to explore the new place.

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