Thursday, September 4, 2008

Baby clothes confuse me

This is totally random... last night I went out with some girlfriends to grab a couple drinks and dinner. Great time, we should totally do it more often! Anyway--- Bryan stayed home with Miss Ella and was in charge of putting her to bed. This morning when she woke up and I went in her room I find her standing in her crib in a Baby Gap sleep sack, that appears to fit her perfectly. Hmmmm, I wonder to myself, where did this one come from? It looks like one we used when she was a newborn, I don't remember buying anymore in larger sizes. So I check the label... my nine month old daughter still fits in 0-3 month pj's from Baby Gap. How can this be? I thougt it was strange that she's still in 3-6 month things from Gymboree but seriously... 0-3 month clothes at this age? Who in the world comes up with these sizes? They make absolutely no sense to me.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

I think Gap is way off on sizing. Ella James still wears a pair of 3-6 month capris from there at 17 months old! And there is still room to grow...
Great chatting last night!